Your Premier Choice for Explosives & Blasting Services
Western Explosives Systems Company was established in 1991, in Salt Lake City, Utah. WESCO has experienced steady growth by focusing on zero harm, innovative products, and providing groundbreaking service.
WESCO’s management and field services teams are comprised of seasoned professionals with a wide range of experience and expertise. Continue reading to learn more about Western Explosives Systems Company.
Serving a Diverse Clientele
Today, WESCO operates as a full-line explosives distributor for Dyno Nobel, and a service provider for the mining, quarrying, and construction industries throughout the Western United States. WESCO headquarters are based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Several satellite operations are located within close proximity to regional customers, which facilitates the high level of service that is a hallmark of WESCO.

What We Offer
WESCO provides explosives products, including bulk, ammonium nitrate, ANFO, emulsions, bagged ANFO, packaged emulsions, dynamite, detonators, cast boosters, and detonating cords. It offers full blasting and explosive services—drilling, pattern design, loading, shooting, blast analysis, computer modeling, and comprehensive technical support.
Our Legacy
WESCO is renowned for its innovative explosive products, excellent safety performance, and groundbreaking service. Professional blasting with an emphasis on safety is WESCO’s legacy and future. Get in touch to see how we can help you with your next project.